Sunday, February 10, 2019

Article explaining the benefits of LLLT (Photobiomodulation)!

Please visit the following link to read an excellent article explaining the benefits of Photobiomodulation (LLLT).

The article covers, CW as well as Pulsed frequencies and different wavelengths.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Research Highlights Benefits of Laser Therapy for Horse Injuries!

An excellent article from Kentucky Equine Research indicated benefits of using laser therapy to treat injured horses:

The article states:  “Various studies show that laser therapy increases the production of collagen, a key component of soft tissues; improves the alignment of collagen fibers; and increases the strength of tendons. In addition, pro-inflammatory mediators reportedly decrease with laser therapy,”

Please visit the following link to read more about laser therapy to treat horses.

Another article of interest can be found here from the IVC Journal